
Transfer Pricing Referencer

base Erosion and Profit Shifting

General Anti Avoidance Rules (GAAR)

General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR)

What I Do

An Indian tax advisor and a Fellow Chartered Accountant by profession with expertise in transfer pricing and international taxation. Founding member of TransPrice group and currently leading the practice where we advise the finest multinationals on global tax and transfer pricing structures. ​Authored multiple books on international taxation and Transfer Pricing, which are globally well–acclaimed. A faculty and speaker at various forums in the profession and the industry​

Tax Advisory

Professional services provided by consultants to individuals or businesses to comply with tax laws, minimize tax liabilities and take advantage of tax-saving opportunities. Tax advisors provide guidance on tax planning, compliance, audit representation, and controversy resolution and keep clients up-to-date with tax laws and regulations.

International Tax

International tax deals with tax laws and regulations related to cross-border transactions and operations of individuals and businesses. Its goal is to minimize tax liabilities and achieve tax-efficient structures while complying with relevant laws.

Statutory Audit

A statutory audit is a mandatory financial audit of a company’s records and statements, conducted by an independent auditor to ensure compliance with laws and accounting standards. Its aim is to assure stakeholders that the financial statements provide an accurate and fair view of the company’s financial position and performance.


IFRS is a globally recognized set of accounting standards and guidelines for financial reporting, established by the International Accounting Standards Board. It aims to improve transparency, comparability, and reliability of financial reporting for investors and stakeholders.

Transfer Pricing

Transfer pricing is the pricing of goods or services between related parties in different tax jurisdictions. It aims to ensure fair pricing and prevent profit shifting. Regulations are in place to ensure compliance with tax laws and proper allocation of profits between countries.

Corporate Tax

Corporate tax is a tax paid by companies on their income. Tax rates vary depending on jurisdiction and taxable income is calculated as revenue minus allowable deductions. It is a significant source of government revenue, and companies use tax planning strategies to reduce their tax liabilities.

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